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04.27.2010 - MACHINES OF GRIND EU TOUR - The Red Chord + Aborted + Rotten Sound + Those Who Lie Beneath @ Apolo 2, Barcelona

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04.27.2010 - MACHINES OF GRIND EU TOUR - The Red Chord + Aborted + Rotten Sound + Those Who Lie Beneath @ Apolo 2, Barcelona Empty 04.27.2010 - MACHINES OF GRIND EU TOUR - The Red Chord + Aborted + Rotten Sound + Those Who Lie Beneath @ Apolo 2, Barcelona

Mensaje por Eyeless Mar Feb 09, 2010 10:49 pm

04.27.2010 - MACHINES OF GRIND EU TOUR - The Red Chord + Aborted + Rotten Sound + Those Who Lie Beneath @ Apolo 2, Barcelona PosterABORTEDTheRedChordRottenSound
Curtidit@ del Metal
Curtidit@ del Metal

Mensajes : 435
Puntos : 16581
Reputación : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 14/01/2010
Edad : 37
Localización : Cádiz

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